Wednesday, December 17, 2008

IRISH POKER CHAMPIONSHIP final Qualifier coming up

One level left to go, and should I go deep enough I could be on my way to to the Eglinton Casino in Galway Ireland on Jan, 1 2009 to play in the Irish Poker Championship for 3 days. Shortly thereafter, I'll be in La to play in the LA Celebrity Invitational Event (Feb 28-March 2, 2009), having won the Canadian Championship earning me that exclusive "A" list invite!

Stay tuned for news as it happens!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

$300K online Poker Tournament starts 12:45pm Dec 14, 2008

I won the entry into a PartyPoker online Tournament with a minimum prize pool of $300K (US). It'sa 4215 buyin I got paid for, for winning a loval live event with the prize being the entry into this online game. historically there ahave been 1300-1600 players, with top 10% getting minium payouts of $400. Winner takes down in the range of $75,000. US.

yours truly,


Baxter Pharmaceuticals Video wrapped

Very useful project about a Baxter device that aids the chemo infusing patient at home rather than the trouble of going the hospital.

Might be posted on their website or simply a sales training DVD.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Grand & Toy Radio Spots recorded today!

One :30 and one :60 recorded for the G&T TSA'a (Technical Service Advisors) ina humourous campaign. Stay tuned to your radios to hear yours the customer in need of eliminating the leaks from his company's IT Network and as the man on the street in need of service for his rather large "Laptop" (known by all normal people as a 'desktop').....

give a listen.....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Booked another TV spot~~~ Grand & Toy (Office Supplies)

Shooting this coming Monday, Dec 1, 2008.

I'll be the customer "George" returning his so called laptop to the store....very funny spot in a small campaign, I'm only in one. Is likely to air in store and Internet only at this it in the next week or so...say by December 15. I presume it'll be done pre-Xmas, but don't know for sure.

Details as I learn will be posted....stay tuned....

Thursday, November 20, 2008 "DOA"

Youtube link to the trailer for this fabulous MADD film for high school students. I played the father of the bioy who drank and drove to his death and severe consequences left behind by its victims.

Rob Nash, lead singer of Live On Arrival follows the film with his story and leads us into interviews with others.

MUCH MUSIC prepaid MasterCard booked & already shot & in the can----nice!

Booked this spot last week, and shot it on Sunday in the freezing weather conditions. No big deal right? Except it was ZERO degrees and I was in golf shirt cutting the grass (at 7am the morning after a light snowfall in the East end of Toronto!)

But it was all good, fun times, efficient, well organized and a good day.

Look for it on MuchMusic and possibly City-TV stations soon....

"MUCHMUSIC prepaid MASTERCARD" I'm the Dad.

AUDITION -- Project Office Supplies - yesterday, went pretty well I thought campaign....standing by awaiting for the good news call.......more as it happens....


project medicine - on HOLD...standing by to be called to set....

High Blood Pressure medication training DVD/videos series.....nice gig, hope I get it. Stand by...relax....breathe.....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

POKER update----Cashed in the Big Ticket Event

a solid 16th place out of 194 players having put up $320 each (although I won my entry).

Great game but suffered a terrible beat to get busted when my KK lost to an allin move that I called when a player had hit his set of 5's on the flop. I didn't need to amke the call having a huge stack still behind, but felt I was in good shape and need to win more chips if I was to win this game. Oh well.

Quite happy with my performance and $727.50 US richer for it.

Stay tuned for more good news stories soon let's hope.

MADD "Wasted" short Film audition Nov 19.

Another terrifc project for very worhtwhile cause....

Raeding for the "Coach" role....standby for news on this one in the coming weeks. Shoots in February 09.

AUDITION -- Project Medicine and called back

First seen Nov 6th then again just today as the Doctor to discuss High Blood Pressure.

Shoots Dec 3/4, standing by awaiting word.....

Friday, October 31, 2008

Poker Big game Saturday $50,000 230PM PartyPoker

I won the $320 buy in prize to play in the weekely $50,000 guaranteed minimum payout event.

Over the last 4 weeks, entry level numbers have been 134, 143, 137 and 163 so hopefully it'll stay on the low side and improve my chances.

I've been playing very solid online games in non-RHPT tournies, and expect to go deep in this one. Top 20 are paid, minimum $500 US.

After finishing in 17th 2 weeks ago in the $10,000 game, I'm feeling better yet about my chances in this one. Hopefully the cards, timing, luck and good decision making are all on my side this week!

Stay tuned for the numbers/results. We're T-minus 23h 46 minues away from the 1st hand.

AUDITION - MUCH MUSIC TV spot (prepaid Mastercards)

Funny spot, went very well yersterday I thought.

Got called back for Saturday, however am booked out. Hopefully, the original will be equal to stand the test....standing by..........

Audition - Genentech Pharmaceuticals (Psoraisis DVD)

standing by.....

Audition - Nova Scotia Liquor Commission

came and went..........

Audition - Shaw cable

came and went...........

AUDITION -- Urban Legends

TV series of 3 stories, the viewer has to determine which is true tale.

Standing by.......

AUDITION -- Ford Flex

came and went....dang

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

AUDITION -- DeGrassi, TV Series

Another good opportunity to be seen by the right people for a supporting role in one episode as the "negotiator."

Breaking my leg....stand by......

Friday, October 3, 2008

BEST BUY callback.........nice!

Xmas series of spots and here I go for audition #2, and from one spot potenially to 3-4. Going in as the Dad in 3-4 spots on Monday oct 6, but will only likely produce me in one of them.

Stand "Buy" for the Best.......oh geez, sometimes I slay myself

EXTRA GUM~~~now on air via YOU TUBE search "spitting sausages"

Yes that's correct you read it right!

Bizarre Euro things. Made for the German market, it's an odd idea and quirky to say the least.

If you'd like to see me as the man in a uniform, check this one out! (Yes, I'm the cop).


Check this out........

We recently completed a new video in the Moneris campaign of "making life easier for your busniness" that'll free up loads of time for you! I'm the happy Moneris user.

Kinda fun..........enjoy!

AUDITION -- October 2 for BEST BUY (Xmas shopping ideas, funny funny)

Another series of spots in the campaign of "OH MY GOSH, I LOVE IT" is casting and they're gonna be fun. The twins Dad is my role........

Stay tuned for news.........

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

AUDITION -- CBC Series -- The Border -- Sept 30

Excellent Canadian produced drama series dealing with Border issues: globally current in its content and seemingly factually based. Crime scene invetigative and politically astute content, very well written with terrific cast.

Standing by as American delegate, Perry Butler.

More to follow (hopefully).........

Thursday, September 18, 2008

TIM-BR MART V/O recording session...September 16th

For another project by the indoor project experts!

Airing this for it on the Weather Network.

AUDITION Sept 16th-- McDonald's for the new hockey cards

Say it ain't so...........Jimmy's been 'traded'..................ahhhhhhhhhhh. Don't blame me, I'm just the coach.

Shoots oct 2, so am standing by hoping to be cast...........

Call back for McCain's Superfries

....and it went pretty am standing by..........shoots Sep22/23........

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Wrapped Shooting for FORENSIC FACTOR- Smiley Face Killer episode airing on DISCOVERY Saturday nights

What a great 3 days this ways!

Long hours but tons of laughs and fun is a good recipe for a great final product.

Extreme weather conditions and very long days, but an outstanding production team, talented colleagues and support from everyone including wardrobe & makeup!

Look for me as mass murderer Robert Lee Yates Jr. from Spokane WA who kille 17 women over 9 years, as the Smiley Face Killer.

We'll be up opposite HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA (Saturday nights) on The Discovery Channel, not sure exactly which calendar date, but stay tuned!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

AUDITION -- Gatorade

Just returned from Toronto after being seen in SOC role for Gatorade.....and it's an odd one.

Follow the giant mass of a "paper cups blob" drifting down the sidewalk as I the businessman walk towards it.....okaaaaaaay.

Can't wait for this one. Lots of CGI I'm guessing.....

Stay tuned

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Wrapped Shooting another spot, this one for UNITRON HEARING.

With plans to go viral or web based, You Tube etc...this humourously entertaining and educational piece should go over well. It's a clever idea and hopefully we can 'run' with some more!

Keep searching YOU TUBE come early-mid September!

Libro financial is wrapped shooting...and it's gonna be another good one!

Great day of shooting a TV spot in London for this Big Bank competitor, a regional institution called Libro Financial.

Should air soon on "A-channel" (London) and possibly CKCO (Kitchener-Waterloo).

the nfirst I did for this team turned out terrificly Imust admit, very proud of the work and the editing was what made it rock.

This one is going to raise the bar even further!

Stay tuned.

Cast!!! Forsensic Factor 5 episode "Robert Yates---Mass Murderer" nice!!!!!!!

Another great oportunity...another great TV docu drama. An award winning one!

I went in to audition for the lead Cop/detective and ended up performing the role of the mass murderer as well, and what do ya know, if I end getting that part! Suh---weet!

Shoots for 3 days September 3-6, TBD.

Airs on Discovery Network Friday nights at 10pm, then repeats Saturday mornings at 9am.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

AUDITION -- Windshield replacement Glass Repair retailer

As the Dad recounting his son's homrun game winning shot over the fence that land in his windshield, the Dad share his terrific customer service experience.

Cute spot. Went well. Did my best.

Stay tuned.

PS. Looking for $100 minimum backing. Need 100 investors to raise the needed $10,000 buy for the WPT N.A. Championship or the Aussie Millions in jan 09. for PayPal deposits so it's all on the up and up. Review my recent success to appreciate the plan I'm working towards. I alrady experience one wonderful Share the wealth opportunity for 5 people recently at $1,000 profit US each from my World Series of Poker 2008 success. Google it if you're curious.


Brought in to read for the Lead Detective which was nice, and thanks to all for seeing me.

Then was asked to stay behind and read as the mass murderer Robert Yates himself. Cool.

Hope to find out soon. Shooting begins Septemeber 3rd.

Stay tuned.

PS. Am looking for poker sponsorship to get me to WPT N.A. Championship or Aussies Millions. for PayPal. Search my blog and read up on my recent success that I'd like to parlay into life changing payouts! Minimum investment is $100.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Poker success breeds success...looking for investors and sponsors

In need of more backers, sponsors and investors. They're starting to roll in....

At only $100 per share, I'm aiming for a total of 100 shares to be invested in me with a positive return on your investment, a bonus will be paid based on the number of investors. IF I don't get 80% invested, your money will be returned as I will not be playing. All payments via PAYPAL in order to guarantee of your return if it doesn't happen.

We will share the wealth, with me keeping only 30% of the take plus expenses (only air & accommodation, & receipts provided) and after all fees and taxes are accounted for. The remainder is split evenly among all of us. I figure I'll need to cash a $15,000 prize level and we break even, anything above is pure profit (if played inside of US due to taxes, then we need a $22,000 payout approx).

Looking to advance to $10,000 buy in events in (tax free) Niagara Falls WPT event, Europe or the Aussie Millions in January '09.

I pay all my own expenses, and the remainder of the buyin if we come up short. Your investment therefore is purely going towards the buy-in amount.

If interested please contact me via phone or email. See "contact" for more detail.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

AUDITION -- Rogers Telecommunications on Tuesday Aug 12th.

On very short notice, (I received a script at 12:30AM and had to be in my audition for 2:30PM that day) I did my best on this spot. Call it 2 hours prep, followed by 6 hours sleep and another 2 hours into town. Not my ideal sitaution of course. I always wonder if its reasonable to inform the team of things like this when it ahppens or just suck it up, thinking they don't want to hear excuses. I mean who knows how long the sides have been in circulation, and anyone that doesn't come in with lines down, regardless, appears unprofessional.

That said, the updside can always be perceived as impressive if the sides were only distributed the night before, and here I am off book already! Nice. And I was for the most aprt I think. I did the best I could honestly. I was happy I gave them a decent performance under those conditions. It gets better and that makes it all the more impressive come shoot day, given the opportunity of course. It's out of my hands now. I'm content.

I tried to stay relaxed and conversational, and causally may have even had to improv it slightly. I think it fit within the desired approach. And that's all I could hope for.

Stay tuned.

We shall see.

Friday, August 8, 2008

AUDITION -- Candian Tire Financial Services

Nice campaign...hopefully the nlook and feel of my delivery gets me this one!

This was a difficult audition pice as the timing was bad for me. I had just been informed of the audition late after Day one of a 2 day marathon on MONERIS.

I really didn't have much valuable free time to learn the lines as day 2 ended after midnight, and after a horrible 2.5 hours drive home due to highway re-paving delays and traffic snarls at 1230am...I finally got to bed at about 4am...then awake at 11, with 3.5 hours to nail the script in time for my 5pm performance. And it showed....although I did my best, I admittedly fumbled the lines but hopefully as I said, the tone, pace, deliver etc were at good place for the client to consider.

Stay tuned

TIM-BR MART -wrapped another Voice over session for new campaign coming

....with the return to Fall home reno projects....TIM BR MArt helps people get things done!

Stay tuned on the Weather Network for new stuff!

Moneris -- Wrapped 2 days for new campaign...look for it online

Fantastic 2 days of some fun yet hard work.

MONERIS will be looking to launch this campign soon.
Stand by for details.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

EXTRA GUM~~~wrapped for Germany...maybe more to follow

Look for this bizarre yet creatively entertaining spot to break August 18th in Germany and maybe wider, plus possibly YouTube?

I'm the Cop.

WINNER WINNER, Chicken Dinner~~Red Hot Poker Tour Season 11: Tournament of Champions!!!

Wow, what an absolute incredible climax to a fantastic season I've had.

Going back to March 28th when I won the Season 10 Regional championship, and trip/buyin to WSOP 2008, where I won $36,000 for being 10th out 2,693 entrants in event #52, I then won the Season 11 World Poker Tour sponsored RHPT Online championship for "AnyTime" points, I won the HBO Region over the course of the season, and then further won the HBO Regional 16 top players shootout championship, securing me a place at the Final Table for the SEASON 11 Tournament of Champions competing against the 7 other RHPT Regional champions.

And wouldn't ya know it, if I didn't win that as well!! WOW. It was no easy feat either.

There was some pretty heavy competition and really outstanding play that culminated in my taking down the HBO event by defeating Marilyn V (SweetMe) then onto the FINAL TABLE and heads up with Wayne D (RedHotAce) from London for about 2.5 hours over something like 100 hands....a marthon baby...and it was sick how it ended! Wayne you are a terrific player, and this game could easily have gone either way.

I got hammered by Ed C (Edman) from Windsor when my QQ ran into his KK that took me down to about 3,200 (64,000 in play among the 8 players, but by that time I think there were only 4 left). I was able to survive and claw my way back to see ZEKEN (Sean S) bust out with a 10 high flush calling into Wayne's allin move with the 'Aces full of nines' boat, and then Ed also lost out to Wayne shortly thereafter leaving the 2 of us headsup, and I will add, Wayne had a sizeable lead. About 53,000 to my 11,000. It was a seesaw battle let me tell you!

I was able to take control when I got caught with an allin reriase move pushing my 85 into the middle and Wayne called with his apparent favorite hand, Ah9h. I hit the 8 and doubled up large to take the comanding lead away from Wayne.

Then Wayne to his credit was able fight his way back to take the lead, when I really thought I had him on the ropes and couldn't find the guts to call any of his aggressive plays. As a result his strong play kept him right there and gave himself a good chance to win.

I asked for another short break near around 1:15am, after starting the FT at 8pm, and after returning I woke up with a pocket pair and pushed allin, Wayne stalled. I turned to the crowd who understandably were getting fatigued and said half kiddingly, "well it's what you want isn't it?" Wayne folded.

Very next hand Wayne shoved allin. I said, "So that's how it's gonna be is it Wayne? I shove, you shove, I shove huh?" and folded.

And the final hand which cam on the very next deal: I said "OK then. If I do it, I don't think you've got the guts to call" (clearly my stratey was to get him to call, and sure enough Wayne did have the guts and courage to make the call (which deep down I hoped for, and as we all know the adage,'be careful what you wish for, it just ight come true').

Wayne had KJ and I showed AK. I was happy to say the least.

Flop came down QJ3. Dammit! Wayne was now ahead hitting his J and his family and friends were excited. I was calm but behind. I need the A for bigger pair, or 10 for the straight.

The turn as a King. Double dammit! Wayne now has 2 pair to my one.

I still needed either the Ace or a Ten. And since the Ace is a god, the Ace of diamonds fell on the river and my 2 pair beat Wayne's two pair. I thought he had me covered in chips, but knew it was close.

The count down happend and I was in fact ahead by only 800 and the game was over!

Who knows what's in store now, the hope is for a seat at the $10,000 World Poker Tour's LA Celebrity invitational Poker Classic in March 2009. We shall see.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Red Hot Poker Tour Season 11 Championship is this Saturday July 26th

As the leader in the Hamilton-Burlington-Brantford-Oakville region, I will receive a starting bonus of 2,500 chips + as the leader in the AnyTime Points category of our online sponsor, the WPT, I will get another 500 chip bonus all over and above everyone's starting stcks of 4,000. Doesn't guarantee me anything, but is nice to have a lead going in. I already have 10% of all the chips....only 90% more to go!

This is an incredible event as the winner of the 16 player regional game will then compete against the winners of the 7 other 16 player Ontario regional championships to make a Final Table of 8 players. The ultimate winner of that, will receive the $10,000 (US) entry in the WPT LA CELEBRITY POKER CLASSIC to be played in LA in March 2009. Anything the player is lucky enough to win there, is theirs to keep; just as I was fortunate enough to win $36,000 at this year's WSOP!

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.......THIS IS IT!

Audition *** PokerStars (as the dealer)

Coming off the great WSOP event (10th place finish of 2700 entrants) it was crazy that I'd walk into this audition.

Would honestly have preferred to be a player than the dealer for casting purposes....however it has moved into production now and with no call, I'm resigned to ahving missed this one, too bad.

Lots of Pro players in Toronto to shoot a campaign as i've seen Daniel Negreanu's blog mentioning it several times this past week. Oh well. Better luck next time and good things come to those who wait, right?!

Audition for "Hamburger Helper" Dad and CALLBACK

July 15th:

Stereotypical family portrait around the dinner table enjoy the day's events.

Got in again...and this we had to eat (or got to eat!). Thanks for lunch Mann Casting!

Standing by......

Audition for "MediFacts" and GERD (i.e. heartburn)

Went in via Crystal Casting back July 11th....good little spot.....

standing by...

Audition for "EXTRA" gum -- German TV market

Went in for the role of "Cleaner" back on July 8th.

No word on it until call backs on July 21st and they wanted to see me again but this time as the Cop. Awesome. Went well I think and was genuinly fun.

Then late that day, called to ask me to come in again the very next day, again as the cop. Cool.

That was yesterday, so will await word now.

standing by........

Friday, July 4, 2008

WSOP Event #52 over---WINNER WINNER Chicken Dinner!

I pushed all my chips in with QQ and got called by A6c. He flopped the nut flush and I was suddenly out of the tournament and financially $36,000 richer! (Less of course the IRS's cut)

2,693 players, I finished 10th!


Where do I begin?

How about the biggest hand of note before that one that busted me out.....I found pocket 3's and called a preflop raise of 2.5x the BB. Flop came down 23K all diamonds. I flopped a set & bet out 150,000. He pushed allin and I called. He rolled over Q9 diamonds and I need to pair the board to win. Didn't happen and I lost 379,000 chips. I lost only 2 hands the entire day, both flushes, both to the same guy who would ultimately take down the bracelet and $635,000. Good on him.

A big hand of note prior to that: The Russian Czar on my left, asked me " this it?" I sensed he wanted me to shove. I did. Before my fingers tips had fully grabbed my stack, he called and slammed down his KQ. I completed my shove, counted out 293,000 and then wished him good luck as I turned over my AK. He hit his Q and I was suddenly behind. I advised him that the Ace was a God, only to be disappointed by the turn's 7d, and I repeated to him and the entire room with much encouragement, that "THE ACE IS A GOD!" and sure enough the Ace of hearts made an appearance. I then excitedly released a boisterous, "This IS it!"

Other notes:
I busted Mimi Tran.
I out played Kenna James (who started the day at my table, Red 8 seat 1, he was in seat 4)
I sat beside Vanessa Russo for 1/2 a hand before she busted (no pun intended).
Ended day 2 with only 11,500 chips in 206th place well behind the chip leader's 230,000 count.
I busted out when antes matched the tournaments starting amounts (3,000A/12,000SB/24,000BB).
I started the day at Table 6, seat 1, I ended the day at table 6, seat 1. In between, I got moved to table 4 seat 1, back to table 6 (seat 6), then final redraw with 12 players left moved back to T6/S1.

At the end of Day 1 (1:00am) I walked the 30 minutes back to Harrah's from the RIO to unwind, get some excercise and hopefully help me sleep deeply. It worked very well indeed.

Day 2: I walked back to the RIO at 1pm to wake up and get my head focussed and body alert and blood flowing (even though with sucha small stack I had pretty much resigned to the fact I was not long for the game at that point). Wow did things change in a hurry.

2nd hand of day 2: upon seeing my hole cards I stalled. that brief moment of hestitaion was followed up with my hearing fired at me from seat 4 (by Event #10 Bracelet winner, Farzad Rouhani from Iran) as if he was mind reading, "THIS IS IT!" And when I looked up, we somehow connected with a smile and in fact I had decided that with my suited A8 (dead man's hand) THIS just might be it, and I shoved it allin.

Farzad in the BB said to me, "That is best 7 high move you are going to get away with from me all day" and folded. Suddenly I had 16,500 and 3 hands later I found AQh. Again I stalled, and with action folded around to me, I latched onto the new catch phrase and said again, "This is it!" Everyone folded to the BB who stalled himself. He counted his 70,000 chips and I asked himself if he wanted to see them (my cards). He went into a self induced rage of confusion (or something) and he kept repeating "Do I want to see them?" over and over again. He called and slammed his A-10 down and cursed himself when I showed the AQ. And BAM, I was 35,000+ and things got better as the day inched on.

Andy Bloch stopped by for a glance at the action.
Andy Black later showed himself and chatted with a few people.
Kenna James was the last celeb to stop at the rail. Seeing me still alive, I was surprised when he recognized me, winked with shot me a thumbs up!

I never revealed to anyone that I am an actor, feeling it would bring unwanted action.

My card protector was a domino.

At the Regional Championship I used the 8-8 domino and pocket 8's were the winning hand that got me to the WSOP. Fate? Who knows. Anyhow, this time through I brought the 5-5 for no specific reason. I spun my 5-5(hopefully lucky) domino as my card protector and many times when asked about its significance, had to fabricate a story.....I went the sympathy route. The actor in me took over and rather than just say somehting boring like `no reason`, it went something along the lines of, `I have 5 children, they bought me a domino gift set for Fathers Day saying the 5-5 was for luck and to remind me of them.` It was total BS I gotta admit.

Who knows if it brought a sympathy FOLD, or call for that matter at the right time.

I was surprisingly not overwhelmed by the entire experience, but rather calm and collected. I tried to recall Banjo`s recollection of his WPT event, and re-read James Reinhart`s shared one pager of hints and tips sheet. It was very reassuring having the voices of RHPT supporters in my head with me. While there were no physical RHPT supprters in the audience or at the rail, it somehow relieved the pressure. As much as I thought that might be nice, I convinced myself, it was better there were none. Perhaps I just cannot admit to myself, `Gary you have no friends!`

OK, there. I said. Sad, I know. 26 hours of play time with no friends at my side, who else am I going to chat with........certainly not my opponents...not about the hands I was or was not playing.

At one point, I think I may even have told myself, `I can do this!` I then sent that voice away, and tried to focus only the immediate hand in front me. `The future is NOW. Stay here and now` I kept telling myself.

Some mighty huge stacks fell to the wayside with repeatedly identical points of view. Something along the lines of `Only the top 3 spots are worth palying for.` I felt that was arrogant and likely to be their downfall. One guy floored me when I heard him say, `I think I am the most notable guy left.` No one knew him that I could tell. That was well worth ear marking. He played like a donkey after that. I will give him some credit though, as upon hearing that, I was then moved to his table and on his right. I immedaitely doubled through him with AQ when he called with 99 and I hit the Q. 79,000 x 2. YES!

He doubled another guy for 110,000, then tilted and raised a reraiser from 45,000 to 145,000 and they folded as he fired out `MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE HAND` he said, shooting his 8-6 offsuit across the table. No one was impressed. In RHPT circles, this is known as `The Kooze`

He later lost a 200,000+ pot without showing to an allin bet on the river. His 400,000+ were gone in under an hour, when I first sat beside with my 79. and said good bye when I was at 110,00. Nice.

There are LOTS of other chip dumps that happened. I kept telling myself...`what are they doing wrong and keep doing what you are doing me because its working.` It is oddly sad to see the depression wash over a huge stack getting busted, and the regret that is evident in them.

I learned a helluva lot this week.
I had an incredible 2 day run.
I thank the Party Poker sponsor and the Red Hot Poker Tour for the opportunity.
I hope I can do it again soon, and I hope the level of the bar I have set will be surpassed by a RHPT player (me or someone else) so we all rejoice in that one day again..... soon!

Player announces.... THIS IS IT!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

George Brown College campaign is wrapped & shoot in the can!

...and with an extensive media buy for the southern United States, "Distance Education" a.k.a the Home Study program (with all its various courses) is expected to increase in the coming months!

Learn up.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Audition for "Pizza Hut"

Very funny twist on the idea of describing great BBQ technique.

.....and only 10 days to Vegas baby!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Audition for "Chevrolet--The Big One"

In Toronto today for a union spot, SOC. Shoots just before heading to Vegas....possibly.

Stay tuned....and on that note....Vegas baby! The WSOP is 17 days away and counting down until my cards are in the air at Event #52, the $1,500 Holdem NL at the World Series of Poker. for a link to the site and look for updates!

So far after 20 events, Canadians have won twice.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Booked!!! George Brown College campaign.

Funny how how things work out.....being an alumni of GBC (Performing Arts class of '80) here we are 28 years later, and I'll be the spokesperson for their new campaign!

Really looking forward to it.

Stay tuned for updates and braodcast announcements and web details.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Audition--Project "Dental" shooting in Prague (fingers crossed)

It's now Sunday, but 2 days (on Friday may 30th) i auditioned for a TV dspot for a denture maker that for some reason is shooting in Prague (yes, the Czech Repulic) near the end of June. It is scheduled to appear in the German market to start.

So I did my best to look European and polished my pearly whites!

It was a good audition, I was quite happy with the improv and my potential cast partner (thanks Liz!).

We had to improv a tender yet fun loving moment with wine, in the kitchen while preparing dinner. We were each given back stories for intensity and played it out without either of us knwing the other's back story. We shared notes afterward only to learn how potenitally tragic and sensitive our relationship is/was.

Fingers are crossed only to learn that shoiuld I be cast in it, I will be jet setting around the world! From Toronto to Czech Repulic to Toronto to Las Vegas (for the World Series of Poker) and home again back to back to back over 9 days. That's very exciting! So looking forward to it happening.

Stay tuned.......I'm already packing......

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cast!!! MAY DAY episode "China Airlines Flight 611"


Gary Biggar meet/becomes Frank Zakar, NTSB investigator.

Tragic story Flight 611 China Airlines it if you're at all curious.

Shoots 2 days in early June.

Monday, May 26, 2008

MADD "DOA" Screening June 11, @ 7pm Westside Theatre in Hamilton, RSVP please

this is another really special project that I'm happy to have been involved with.

A very good cause and a captive audience to boot, High School students next/this Fall.

search Live on Arrival, the band from Winnipeg for insight into sound track related music.

then stay tuned for more news.

If you are interested in attending, please let me know.

BUCK WILD huge success! Screened and raved reviews

Went to the premiere yesterday with family and friends and it was a terrific afternoon, I must admit.

Very pleased with the result, even if there are still some unfinished bits due to sound issues. those will be rectified soon enough.

So happy to have been involved in this project and want to thank Thomas and Ace for beleiving in me to be their "Buck." It was wild.

and the sequel...........? Just you wait. Cuz that's what I'm talking about.........and don't pussy out!

Stay tuned for more news on that soon. If you'd like to watch the DVD, please get in touch with me.

Audition: "Nintendo" TV spot.........Did you know your brain shrinks once you turn 20?

.......and "I like the cut of your jib."

Play that funky DS (....til you die...sing if ya like)

stay tuned

Audition: "George Brown College" internet/tv campaign, odd since I'm a GBC Alumni...

...not that that will assist me in landing the role or anything.........

which went very well today I thought. Often great auditions end in disaster for who knows why, and sometimes train wreck auditions end up in being cast! Need to stay the course, and be even keeled.

Sure hope I get this one though!

Stay tuned

Audition: "May Day" TV Series (episode--China Airlines 611)

As lead investigator of the NTSB Frank Zakar........I read for this role and am waiting to learn of my fate.

Stay tuned.

Audition: Project bubbles "Ewwwwwwwwwww" be the bubble

be the bubble be the bubble.......wait a second.........I'm a poker player...that's not a good thing for us....being on the bubble= not good.

I'm so conflicted......"Ewwwwwwwwwww" was a one word required. I wonder if I'm a good bubble boy. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Audition MuchMusic Video Awards

to help find the Phreak......

"I was just having a my favorite band, Alex is on Fire....."

I didn't get the gig, and its appearing on air now. Funny spot.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Audition for the new HP Blackbird PC...

....went off today pretty well...standing by....for news about this internet campaign.

BUCK WILD feature film FINALLY SCREENING May 25!!!!

It's a comedy people, not a porn flick!

EVERYONE, please join us at the Camera Bar on Queen St in Toronto, May 25th, 230pm.

Am very proud of this production and expect big things from it. As Buck Wild himself, let me please say this: I am looking forward to seeing what I can't remember. Am I pathetic?

Details: 1028 Queen Street West (just west of Ossington), Toronto, ON M6J 1H6 Canada View Map

BIKERS II--TV series wrapped...nice!

Awesome production and loads of fun on set, great cast and crew!

Airing in September, stayed tuned during BIKERS WEEK and episodes about Hell's Angels on HISTORY CHANNEL.

Project Insurance TV campaign audition....

...came and went April 25th....

TIM-BR MART V/O recording session...

...picked up again as the 14th got cancelled last minute....

but you can still go shopping there!

Rex vs Singh short film audition....

...came and went ....interesting story based on recreation of factual events that occurred back in 1912 in Vancouver involving police and racism. Oh well.

Moosehead Audition.......

....April 15th...came and went with no success....mmm too bad.... they were paying in product!

kidding (about the payment)

TIM-BR MART V/O recording session...

....April 14th for more price promotional work to add to the TV campaign....yes that's me the spokesperson.

Now go shopping!

Project Toys Audition TV spot.......

..........came and went April 11th............with on success....sigh........

Doppelganger film audition.......

.....came and went April 8th, with no success...oh well...

ManuLife Audition.............

...came and went on April 4th with no success...oh well. Good experience and thankful for the opportunity.

M.A..D.D. Film wrapped "Dead On Arrival"

In early april we shot and wrapped a really terrific project for Mother's Against Drunk Driving called DOA.

Very stressful production emotionally as the content is pretty hard hitting, no pun intended.

Really looking forward to the DVD screening of this one. Stay tuned.

Musical support is coming from a great band out of Winnipeg called Live on Arrival. Check them out on GOOGLE and YOU TUBE.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

ONE LAST BREATH feature film broadcasting on SuperChannel in May 2008

Here's a note from the Director of a film I completed recently:

I very happy to finally relay some great news that has been several months in the making. After much effort, One Last Breath will have its broadcast premiere on SuperChannel beginning in May. SuperChannel is a bundle of pay-tv channels that are available Canada-wide. Our movie will be shown on high and standard definition channels, with several prime time spots. A schedule is linked below.

Check it out and enjoy botht the trailer and the full length feature film on SuperChannel soon!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

BIKERS II -- booked as the lead interrogator vs HELL's ANGELS!

Shooting w/o April 28 for TV series airing on HISTORY channel in the Fall 08 in the US where it's getting huge numbers.

More details on dates and times coming soon.

Roger Pigeon is my role.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Defining Instincts "Teaser" featuring my character, Mr. Kerr

A music driven docu-drama dealing with the challenges of teens coming of age in this harsh world.

More BIG news soon!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

I won! The RHPT Regional Championship Playoff Event and the prize package...Vegas Baby!

What a great night of poker it was. All around, all players, all night.

I was lucky enough to take it down and with it comes the $1,500 entry fee into the World Series of Poker event #52 starting June 30th. 4 nights accommodation, and travel allowance as well. Nice.

Thank you Red Hot Poker Tour. For info go to for genereal info, but details of the championhip may take a few days to get posted.

The winning hand: I have 18K chips, SB has 14K, blinds 300/600 100 ante.
Small blind 300, calls for 300 more.
I am Big blind, I check.
Flop: Kc 8s 3h
SB checks, I check.
Turn: 2h
SB bets out 1,200, I raise to 2,400.
SB re-raises over the top allin, I call.
SB shows Ks5c, hitting top pair (I breathe sigh of relief as there is no flush draw).
I turn over 8h8d for the set and SB is drawing dead.

Heads up last probably close to an hour I think. It was a good night. I got lots of great hands and maxed pots almost everytime I think. I won every race which I do not ever recall have happen.

About halfway into the evening another here is a noteworthy hand:
Blinds 100/200.
Player to my right limps, I raise it up to 800. Player to my left calls, blinds both fold, and limper calls seemingly priced in.
Flop come down, Jd 8h 6h.
Limper checks.
I bet 2,000.
Player to my left, raises allin for 3,250 more on top. Limper folds.
I folded two black KINGS. And felt very comfortable doing so. This hand gave me much confidence even though I lost 2,800 chips. Later I was told the allin flopped a set of JACKS. Good fold as it turned out. And due to my doubling up about 8 hands into the game, this 2,800 loss still had me as the chip leader. A strange calm poured over me, and I knew I was in my zone! And the cards just kept on coming. As did the chips.

In the Big plan, I have now achieved the 2nd of my 3 step goal-plan. Win a regional title, win the Regional Championship (i.e. earn the WSOP buy in) and achieve financial success AT the WSOP event starting June 30th.

As a commitment to my fellow poker player Regional Championship opponents (i.e. *partners*) I am documenting our agreement. 6 players agreed to a *share the wealth* concept prior to the first hand being dealt. Whoever won (as it turned out to be me), that person (i.e. me) shall after all fees are paid at the event, keep 75% of any cash won at the game, and the remaining 25% will be split equally among all players in the agreement (6 of us in total, as 2 opted not to participate, and their initials are BC and PB. I have chosen not to use their proper names in this public forum for reasons of privacy.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Red Hot Poker Tour--Season 10 Tournament of Champions March 29

Another opportunity to win entry in the World Series of Poker has presented itself.

I have qualified for the national tournament that plays this Saturday at 1pm. Top 150 players in Canada (I am currently in 6th place in the standings with tonight being the final night to earn points), will compete for one of 3 seats being awarded at this Tournament of Champions.

Those 3 seats are valued at $1,500 (plus travel/hotel). Any money won at the WSOP event starting June 30 I think, is the player's to keep. Nice. Last year the winner took home $722,914. There were over 3,100 players and the final cash prize went to a player in 324th place getting $2,667. Still nice, given it's a free entry for the Red Hot Poker Tour winners.

For more info visit or

Shuffle up and deal!

Red Hot Poker Tour update--REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP

I've clinched first place and will be seated at a FINAL TABLE of no more than 9 players, first hand dealt at 6pm Friday (tomorrow).

Winner of this event wins a trip/hotel stay and $1,500 entry fee into a World Series of Poker Event in Las Vegas around July 1.

For more info go to or

TIM--BR Mart Voice Work in Studio today

A large pool of spots are being recoded today, so am off to Hamilton for that recording session, linked into the good people from Halifax who will be directing/listening live.

Ahhh what technology permits us to do............saves money, time and still gets things done.

These spots are to go to air soon....stand by I'll post when confirmed.

Bud Light Audition call back for 2nd reading....nice.

After audition on Tuesday of this week, I exited to see waiting for their callin were 2 high profile on air personalities. I can't say their names for obvious reasons, however it was surprising to see that the advertisers may go in that direction.

When I went to my call back audition yesterday (Wednesday), I did not see their names on the sign in sheet and I was in the last group to be seen. Not sure if that's good or bad!

Anyhow, am standing by awaiting word. Would be nice.

Would be a challenge to co-ordinate as I am also shooting a film this weekend and have entries into 2 fantastic poker tournies where winners will be on their way to Vegas for the WSOP 2008!

More on that in another blog shortly.

Bud Light Audition

Reading for a Sports Announcer type the usual Bud Light humour manner.

Funny pool of 3 spots to air I presume during hockey hockey playoffs, which the radio spot that's currently on air is part of the campaign.

Stand by......

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Swiss Chalet (tv audition at Mann Casting)

Thanks for seeing me.

Nice family spot. Standing by.

Stay tuned...

VIAGARA (tv audition at Fade 2 Black)

Shooting in Vancouver April 3/4....would be a nice trip, been a while since I've been out west!

Thanks for seeing me....standing by for some hopefully good news.

Stay tuned...

Digital TV (audition at Jigsaw)

"Project TV"

Thanks for my being seen, and am standing by for some good news!

Stay tuned...

TIM--BR Mart TV campaign booked and shot in Halifax

Great trip, good day!

Had a blast shooting a campaign for TIM-BR Mart. To audition for this, 2 days earlier a hand held digital cam recorded me in my basement using a sort of 'handyman-project-in-progress' kind of look/style. I read one :30 and 3x:10's direct to cam as the spokesperson. I posted them on You Tube and provided a link to view them to the casting director/producer for decision making given they were in Halifax.

Many thanks also to (and I'm sure I will forget some names, please forgive me): Evan, Craig, Alana, Natalie, Elizabeth, John, Dave, Trevor, Christopher, Mike, Steve, Sara, Richard, and all the other cast and crew members who made it such a fun ad enjoyable day.

Stay tuned to your local/national Weather Network tv channel for this one breaking April 28th or there abouts!

Thanks again!

Red Hot Poker Tour Red Club standings updated, 1st place!

Looks like I've clinched 1st place with only 2 events left to go before the season ends in 7 days.

With a 4,100 point lead and only 2,000 possible points available to be won, presuming all players point totals have been input/updated and accuruately reflected, I will be seated at the Regional Final table showdown.

This Regional event will see 8 players only, and only the winner of this 8 player game will earn a $1,500 buy in to the World Series of Poker in las Vegas on June 30th.

For more info go to (where you can find me at 4th overall for the Red Hot Poker Tour at the time of this writing) or go directly to the Red Club room (where Red Hot players earn points contributing toward their Overall point total in the Red Hot Poker Tour ranking) at: Look for code name "AKTOR_" (that's me). I mean what other name might have you expected?!!

Final tournament of Champions (top 120 players in Canada) is this coming March 29th for opportunity to win one of 3 additional seats to that $1,500 WSOP event in Vegas!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Audition for "My Playlist"

Another TV spot potential role as "Dad"

Stay tuned.

M.A.D.D. 45 minute feature film -- Auditioned

Very useful and touching project for MADD.

Hope I can land the role of the Dad or the teacher.

Stay tuned.

Sleep Lab - Audition Short Film

Hilarious short film.

Auditioned for this one this week while receiveng an invote to do so from Greg White, a director of immense passion and creativity who chose me for one of his films 2 years ago called, ANGEL.

On Sleep Lab, I received one page of sides and nothing more.

Upon arriving and being debriefed on the situation and plot I became intrigued. I was then given 3 more pages of dialogue. I almost could NOT stop laughing.

I hope I get called back for this one.

Defining Instincts -- Music Driven Docu-drama shooting Sunday

On location in Cambridge for one final day. 2 more scenes to go.

An incredible project, that continues to grow in support and awareness.

Proceeds to several fantasic cuases around the globe all related to helping bring assistance and awarness to causes presented in the film. The TJ Martell Foundation is only one such example.

Also search for Defining Instioncts on You Tube and My Space for views of several trailers as we follow the journies of several youth and their lives of significant challenges and harsh realities.

Gripping, emotional, super sized energy and incredible performances from all of the Youth involved. Not to mention the music, vision, effort and contributions of the writer/director/visionary Rob Bryton.

Look out LA. Look out France. This is rock N our world!

Libro Financial---Shooting a TV spot tomorrow

Shooting a TV spot and looking forward to it.
8am in Toronto.

Airing in SWO through end of May 2008.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Recent Auditions

RONA Building Centers
Breathe Right Nasal Strips
Project Chicken
QUIKCRETE cement.....BOOKED this gig, shot it and it's in production now. Stay tuned.
Dairy Farmers of Canada
Lays Chips

ONLY, indie feature

Alice Fazooli's

RBC Direct Investing now uploaded on the 'net

Go to and click on "Watch the Video" for my latest project now appearing online in this webazine format.


Monday, January 21, 2008

The TaxMan is Watching.........see it on YouTube Now

There's the link to TV spot done in late summer for the 'now upon tax season.'

Was a great day, and is a nicely shot spot.

Clients are leaders in the industry and it's nice to be associated with them.

Onward and upward!

Audition *** Desjardins General Insurance

Invention is the neccessities of all mothers.......I mean my mother is a necessary invention....I mean.....someone ought to invent something necessary.......I mean necessary things are invented.......I mean just because something is invented, do you stop there?

I'm sure it would not be necessary to re-invent the wheel when it comes how one might prepare to audition for an insurance gig....unless of course reinventing oneself was a necessary invention.

so much double speak, so little time.........

standing by...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Audition for Frito-Lays US National TV spot Jan 17th

I'm hungry for the work!

It'd be tasty to land this one.

Stay tuned.......

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Audition*** Sweet Karma *** a Feature Film, Lead role

From Boston as an Irishman on set of "Underworld Gangs" the TV series straight into Russian in Toronto.....this film, Sweet Karma looks to be an adventure.

Stay tuned for word/callback etc.

Underworld Gangs---wrapped---Coming to History Channel soon

Just finished shooting for an episode in season 2 of this crime drama series. I played Pat Nee, cira 1980's. Borderline "groovy."

We shot at Keating Channel Pub on Lakeshore/Cherry St in Toronto, home of Season 6 TOC for Red Hot Poker Tour players! Funny how two loves can ciome together in odd ways. Acting and Poker that is.

Broadcast details to be updated soon.

Monday, January 7, 2008

New Year---My 1st Agent

Chris Oldfield from Fallis Talent Management will be representing me now and I am very pleased to be working with him.

His contact if is:

Phone: (416) 515-9904

Fax: (416) 515-0486

Address: 26 Soho St suite 320, Toronto ON M5T 1Z7

Friday, January 4, 2008

RHPT Winner 1,025 Points pushes me over 50,000 career

...........on Thursday evening (while sitting at 49,900 points in my 4 full seasons on tour to date), I won first place and surpassed the magical 50,000 total career point plateau.

At the last Tournament of Champions event it was announced that there are are only 24 remaining jackets to be claimed in this exclusive club of point getters. Only 50 were made.

I hope they still have an XL size for me waiting! I have to think I made it as we're only 4 weeks into this season, but ya never know how many other players may have surpassed the mark already.

I have win totals in each of my previous as follows: 4, 4, 4, and 7 last season and have already won twice so far in this, the Red Hot Poker Tour's 10th season. taht's 21 career wins. I wonder how that stacks up overall. Not a tremendously high number but respectable none the less I think. each season's leader usually has around 8-12 wins while playing in the range or 90-120 games. I usually play in the 40-50 games per season range. My overall leaderboard finishes in Canada in each of those 4 previous seasons has been as follows: 73rd, 19th, 27th, and 8th last season. Currently I'm in 43rd in the nation.

Check out for more info.