Wednesday, December 17, 2008

IRISH POKER CHAMPIONSHIP final Qualifier coming up

One level left to go, and should I go deep enough I could be on my way to to the Eglinton Casino in Galway Ireland on Jan, 1 2009 to play in the Irish Poker Championship for 3 days. Shortly thereafter, I'll be in La to play in the LA Celebrity Invitational Event (Feb 28-March 2, 2009), having won the Canadian Championship earning me that exclusive "A" list invite!

Stay tuned for news as it happens!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

$300K online Poker Tournament starts 12:45pm Dec 14, 2008

I won the entry into a PartyPoker online Tournament with a minimum prize pool of $300K (US). It'sa 4215 buyin I got paid for, for winning a loval live event with the prize being the entry into this online game. historically there ahave been 1300-1600 players, with top 10% getting minium payouts of $400. Winner takes down in the range of $75,000. US.

yours truly,


Baxter Pharmaceuticals Video wrapped

Very useful project about a Baxter device that aids the chemo infusing patient at home rather than the trouble of going the hospital.

Might be posted on their website or simply a sales training DVD.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Grand & Toy Radio Spots recorded today!

One :30 and one :60 recorded for the G&T TSA'a (Technical Service Advisors) ina humourous campaign. Stay tuned to your radios to hear yours the customer in need of eliminating the leaks from his company's IT Network and as the man on the street in need of service for his rather large "Laptop" (known by all normal people as a 'desktop').....

give a listen.....