Wednesday, August 13, 2008

AUDITION -- Rogers Telecommunications on Tuesday Aug 12th.

On very short notice, (I received a script at 12:30AM and had to be in my audition for 2:30PM that day) I did my best on this spot. Call it 2 hours prep, followed by 6 hours sleep and another 2 hours into town. Not my ideal sitaution of course. I always wonder if its reasonable to inform the team of things like this when it ahppens or just suck it up, thinking they don't want to hear excuses. I mean who knows how long the sides have been in circulation, and anyone that doesn't come in with lines down, regardless, appears unprofessional.

That said, the updside can always be perceived as impressive if the sides were only distributed the night before, and here I am off book already! Nice. And I was for the most aprt I think. I did the best I could honestly. I was happy I gave them a decent performance under those conditions. It gets better and that makes it all the more impressive come shoot day, given the opportunity of course. It's out of my hands now. I'm content.

I tried to stay relaxed and conversational, and causally may have even had to improv it slightly. I think it fit within the desired approach. And that's all I could hope for.

Stay tuned.

We shall see.

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