Sunday, June 1, 2008

Audition--Project "Dental" shooting in Prague (fingers crossed)

It's now Sunday, but 2 days (on Friday may 30th) i auditioned for a TV dspot for a denture maker that for some reason is shooting in Prague (yes, the Czech Repulic) near the end of June. It is scheduled to appear in the German market to start.

So I did my best to look European and polished my pearly whites!

It was a good audition, I was quite happy with the improv and my potential cast partner (thanks Liz!).

We had to improv a tender yet fun loving moment with wine, in the kitchen while preparing dinner. We were each given back stories for intensity and played it out without either of us knwing the other's back story. We shared notes afterward only to learn how potenitally tragic and sensitive our relationship is/was.

Fingers are crossed only to learn that shoiuld I be cast in it, I will be jet setting around the world! From Toronto to Czech Repulic to Toronto to Las Vegas (for the World Series of Poker) and home again back to back to back over 9 days. That's very exciting! So looking forward to it happening.

Stay tuned.......I'm already packing......

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