Monday, October 22, 2007

COLD BLOOD --Audition for Feature Film UPDATE!!!!! YES...Landed role as the Lead Detective, Carlie Cox!

.........this American production is a Movie of the Week and shoots first week of November.

It's based on the true story of the death of Donnah Winger. It's tragic. It's justice served.

I am Detective Cox, lead investigator of the Springfiled Illnois Police Department.

You can learn more with a google search of her name.

Clearly my audition well terrificaly well today and I want to share a short story with you.

This project came to me via a Casting Director without my submitting for the role. I was invited to the auditioning process. Nice! It does help to do good work and stay connected, visible, marketable, professional and courteous, even in the face of a disastrous audition. Worry not, there will be others. My point is this: even though I didn't do well the LAST time I auditoned for this Casting Director (and obviously did not get THAT role, she did "discover" me the time before. I got that original "discovery" gig and it was amazingly successful. So do good work and become memorable. I guess that's my point. I'm just very grateful and at the same time hopeful there will be a next time and time after that and so and so on.

The journey has only just begun. What a ride it is!

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