Monday, February 23, 2009
LA Celebrity Invitational Event countdown: 3 days away for my departure....then 2 wonderful days of Schmoozing before poker biz begins!
Go to for updates of the LA PC and more (possibly).
Saturday, February 21, 2009
LA Celebrity Invitational Event countdown: departing in 5 days!
I won't be disappointed.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
"SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE" like the actor's circle? or just shared learning....
Marketing Yourself
2 successful Independent Actors divulge their Secrets to Booking Success.
Two independent actors share their secrets how they went from just beginning in the Toronto acting market - no work, no representation to becoming working represented actors. These Toronto actors have a high booking rate and impressive acting resumes in a short amount of time.
50% of acting is business. Learn techniques and strategies to landing auditions and booking the part.
12:30 Doors open, settle in
1:00-2:00 Robert Nolan & Gary Biggar share their secrets on marketing and landing auditions
2:00-2:30 Secrets on how to successfully submit for projects
2:30-3:30 Questions and answer to Casting Director - Crystal Kramer C.D.C., Robert Nolan & Gary Biggar
4:00 Wrap & Clear the space
$49 +GST = $51.45
Special early bird discount $39 + GST = $40.95 if payment is received before Feb 28. Register early to save your spot.
Harbourfront Community Centre 627 Queens Quay West
SE Corner of Bathurst and Queens Quay.
Special Note about workshops:
*The presence of a casting director at a workshop is neither a guarantee nor a promise of employment. The intent of the class is solely educational. Attending a workshop is not a way to obtain employment as an actor. Such contact as you may have with a casting director at a workshop does not always result in any further contact with that casting director. The casting director has insight into the audition process. It is highly recommended that active working professional actors should be in a class at least once a week to maintain sharpness and skill improvement. Take various workshops and classes to gain the most knowledge in your career.